
Data Safety for Business

As a businessperson, you collect and store sensitive data about your clients and employees. Although you might More Help think that only large corporations are the victims of cyberattacks. However, 60% of data breaches target small-sized businesses.

A single lapse can result in millions of dollars in fines and legal settlements and could end up destroying your customer’s loyalty. It can also damage your company’s reputation and could remove you from business.

There is no one-size fits all solution for data security However, there are fundamental things that any business can do in order to reduce risks and protect itself from threats such as malware or phishing as well as data loss. By investing in strong passwords, securing important documents and offering security training to your employees in order to make it harder for attackers access to your data.

Include regular risk assessments: This helps you identify weaknesses and help you prioritize your security efforts. Develop a Comprehensive Security Policy. Create clear guidelines for access, data handling and what to do in the event of is a breach of data. Secure sensitive data by encryption: This renders data unreadable to unauthorized users in the moment and in transit. Be sure to destroy any information that is not being used: Think about policies that instruct staff on how to clean or overwrite sensitive information (like degaussing or digital shredding) so it cannot be accessible to those who aren’t supposed to.

Follow these tips to build a solid foundation that will keep your business running smoothly during and after a cyberattack. To find out more about creating an effective plan that meets your particular needs, book an initial consultation at no cost with our IT and cybersecurity specialist.



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