
Online Security Tips – How to Stay Safe Online

When it is about cyber security, there are a lot you can do to help keep your family and you secure. It’s good to know that you don’t have to be a code expert to secure yourself online. Most of it is common sense.

Update your software and applications. This is a common practice and one of the most effective ways to staying safe, as updates usually include security fixes.

Use strong passwords and don’t reuse them across multiple accounts. Using the same password across different websites is a big risk as it allows hackers to access any other account that has the same password if a site gets hacked.

Don’t click on links within messages from Facebook, emails or text messages from unknown sources. They could be faked to steal your personal information like username, password, or credit card information. Secure websites start with https:// and have a padlock symbol.

You should consider using a password manager that can keep track of your passwords for you. These tools make it simple to create unique passwords, and ensure they are updated regularly.

Make sure you use 2-step verification on accounts that provide it. This gives you an additional layer of protection in the event your email or phone number is compromised.

It is important to regularly backup your important data to safeguard yourself in the case of a hacker attack or a natural catastrophe. You can do this with cloud storage, or an device that stores locally. Think about using a VPN to give you an extra layer of privacy when connecting https://www.dataroomnyc.com/5-reasons-to-avoid-heavy-email-use-in-the-workplace to public Wi-Fi networks.



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