
Three Types of User Data Storage

When it comes down to the creation of applications, data from users is a crucial aspect of creating a user-friendly experience. User data can include things like http://virtuadata.net/best-android-games-with-bluetooth-controller-support/ settings and customizations that users can make to a website platform. It is crucial that these information are safe and secure from unauthorized access.

There are many different ways in which user data can be saved, however this article will cover three specific options including Local Storage, Sessions Storage, and App Data. Each of these options have distinct advantages and disadvantages however they are all appropriate for storing small amounts of data within the browser.

App data can be used to save app-specific preferences and settings. However it is important to note that app data isn’t persistent, meaning that users who close their browser or their browser session ends, any app data will be lost. App data isn’t secure because anyone who has a decryption code can access the information. It is suggested that app data should not be used to store sensitive data, such as passwords.

Session storage is similar to app data in that it is also application-specific, but it is a lot more scalable and allows for a much larger amount of data to be stored. However, like app data, session storage is not permanent, which means that if the user clears their browser’s cookies or the session ends, all of the application’s session data will be lost.


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