
PS-01-004 Clomiphene Citrate and Human Chorionic Gonadotropins are Good Alternative Therapy for Hypogonadal Men in Restoring Serum Testosterone and Improving Patient Symptoms The Journal of Sexual Medicine

PS-01-004 Clomiphene Citrate and Human Chorionic Gonadotropins are Good Alternative Therapy for Hypogonadal Men in Restoring Serum Testosterone and Improving Patient Symptoms The Journal of Sexual Medicine

Recent studies have combined T implants with progestogen (DMPA, oral and implantable desogestrel) and confirmed the synergistic actions between the two steroids in spermatogenic suppression, achieving azoospermia rates equivalent to or better than those achieved with TE alone. This suggests that lower doses of T combined with progestogens may be the optimal approach, which not only achieves maximal suppression of spermatogenesis but also minimizes potential adverse effects. Interest in developing more physiologic, sustained-release testosterone formulations has increased due to the potential application of testosterone as an anabolic agent and as a male contraceptive. With long-acting injectable testosterone preparations (testosterone buciclate, 600 mg intramuscularly every 3 to 4 months), serum levels peak at 6 weeks and can remain in the normal range for 12 weeks. Testosterone pellets (three 200 mg pellets or six 100 mg pellets) are implanted under the skin and can provide normal testosterone levels as well as physiologic levels of estradiol and DHT for up to 6 months. A single intramuscular injection of a biodegradable testosterone microsphere formulation produces normal levels of testosterone in hypogonadal men for up to 11 weeks; serum estradiol and DHT levels are maintained in the normal range.

  • In this study, Nebido® will be used off-label in biologically testosterone-deficient patients but who do not necessarily have a clinical impairment as defined in the SPC.
  • The potential advantage of this delivery system is the near zero-order kinetics, which result in stable, dose-dependent testosterone levels without the repeated supraphysiological peak levels of T produced by TE and other similar injectable esters.
  • Although this procedure is not effective enough for a human contraceptive, it did prove that hormonal contraception for men was feasible.
  • Indevus has said that about 130,000 of the 340,000 men receiving testosterone therapy use injectable products.

Other studies involving other androgen-only preparations such as testosterone buciclate (TB) [126], pure testosterone implants [127], 19-nortestosterone-hexoxyphenylpropionate (19-NT) [128] and testosterone undecanoate (TU) followed. TB, a long-acting testosterone ester, looked promising in early studies despite small study sizes but has since been abandoned owing to unresolved toxicology. Studies involving pure testosterone implants have shown an efficacy similar to weekly TE injections, but long-term studies are needed to evaluate their true potential as a contraceptive.

Clinical • Journal • CNS Disorders • Depression • Pain • Psychiatry • Suicidal Ideation

Injections of 19-nortestosterone every 3 weeks were also as efficacious as TE, but because 19-nortestosterone is converted to estrogen to a lesser extent than testosterone, negative side effects on bones cannot be excluded. Orally administered TU, while having a half-life intermediate between TE and TB, was unable to induce uniform azoospermia [124]. Forty patients will be randomized into two groups receiving either a testosterone treatment (Nebido®) or a matching placebo. The intervention period for each group will last 66 weeks (treatment will be injected at baseline, week 6, and then every 12 weeks). The main objective is to determine the neuroprotective and remyelinating effects of testosterone using tensor diffusion imaging techniques and thalamic atrophy analyses.

The description will first be made on the raw data and then as a second step from the Bayesian analysis of the parameters of interest. The descriptive analysis will thus first provide a description of the sample data and second an estimation of the parameters of interest in the population. All data in this study will be rendered non-identifiable and then transcribed in an electronic observation book (e-CRF) by the investigator or a person designated by him. Consistency checks of the data collected will be made by computer according to predefined rules between the sponsor and the investigator described in the monitoring plan. Data are collected at baseline, at week 6, and then every 12 weeks up to 66 weeks. The primary outcome is a binary criterion comparing the success rate in each treatment group, defined by course of thalamic atrophy lower than 0.5% and modification in transverse diffusivity of lesions lower than 0.5% per year, compared between baseline and week 66 in each group.

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Patients remain treated with natalizumab (Tysabri®) during the trial to overcome the anti-inflammatory role of testosterone. Our primary objective is to evaluate the remyelinating and neuroprotective effects of testosterone over the course of 54 weeks on patients with RR-MS treated with natalizumab, combining thalamic atrophy analysis and tensor diffusion imaging techniques. Indeed, the gradual loss of brain volume is an important characteristic of MS. Physiologically, http://www.metzgerei-linz.de/the-impact-of-testosterone-propionate-exploring this rate of atrophy varies on average between 0.1 and 0.3% per year while it can reach 0.5 to 1% in patients with untreated MS [19, 20]. The dosing interval is typically 12 weekly (range 8–14) and generally very stable testosterone concentrations are achieved with some eradication of the peaks and troughs observed with shorter acting products. Nebido and testosterone gels are becoming the most commonly used methods of testosterone replacement in developed countries.

The main clinical manifestations are related to inflammation and demyelination of the CNS [2] leading to profound alterations in the conduction of nervous messages. Currently, background treatments are exclusively based on controlling the inflammatory aspects of the disease using immunomodulators or immunosuppressants [3]. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop new innovative therapies that can help repair the damaged myelin. Indeed, it is shown that the absence of myelin repair is a major contributor to the outcome and evolution of MS to its progressive form [4]. Assuming a positive outcome of the trial, this treatment could be considered as a new neuroprotective and remyelinating therapy in relapsing-remitting MS and could be applicable to other demyelinating diseases. A common risk of increasedred blood cell count, hematocrit (the percentage of red blood cells in the blood), and hemoglobin (the component of red blood cells that carry oxygen) have been observed in regular blood tests for testosterone products in general.

Testosterone microspheres are biodegradable polyactide-glycolide spheres containing testosterone and exhibit first-order absorption kinetics. A single dose of 315 mg administered by intramuscular (im) injection to hypogonadal men can maintain T levels in the normal range for 10–11 weeks. Recently, reformulation by another company has allowed subcutaneous administration. The pharmacokinetics in this small study were similar to those of the im microsphere preparation.

Trial completion date • Trial primary completion date • CNS Disorders • Multiple Sclerosis

The major restriction relates to skin irritation that affects approximately 50% of people and has limited the use of this modality. A scrotal patch that delivers testosterone with less skin irritation is also available. Shaving of the site of application is required, and the patch must be changed daily.

ISA, ISSAM, EAU, EAA and ASA recommendations: Investigation, treatment and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism in males

Before the second visit at D-30, a PSA assay will be prescribed via a specific research prescription allowing the patient to carry out this analysis in a city laboratory. The major risk of taking Nebido® is the possible acceleration of pre-existing prostate cancer. A prostate examination will be carried out by the referring urologist of each center (secondarily to total testosterone and PSA dosages) for the detection of early prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Subjects who do not meet eligibility criteria cannot be randomized and will be withdrawn from the study. Nebido is a common form of testosterone prescribed for TRT called testosterone undecanoate. It is one of the most widely used forms of testosterone for testosterone replacement therapy in the UK, some countries in Europe, and even countries like South Africa and Australia.

Safety Aspects and Rational Use of Testosterone Undecanoate in the Treatment of Testosterone Deficiency: Clinical Insights

The current study showed that among men with hypogonadism and type 2 diabetes, from baseline to 12 years, mean A1c decreased from 9.4% to 5.6% in the group that received testosterone undecanoate injections (T-group) and increased from 7.8% to 10.4% in the control group. The Chinese preparation has a long half life, which has been confirmed in several animal and clinical studies [17]. However, with changing of oily vehicle from (Chinese) tea seed oil to castor oil, the half life could be extended even further than before [18]. This new preparation showed excellent results in several clinical trials for hypogonadism 19, 20. I currently manage my own testosterone replacement therapy via the black market and have done so successfully since 2021. They are a private service and I received great treatment and excellent service from them.

“We believe the FDA is concerned about a rare cough reaction by some patients immediately following injection,” said Robin DeCarlo, director of corporate communications at Indevus. Following the use of hormonal substances such as androgenic compounds, cases of benign (non-carcinogenic) and malignant (carcinogenic) liver tumors have been observed. Testosterone abuse, especially if you use too much medicine alone or in combination with other anabolic androgenic steroids, can cause serious health problems for your heart and blood vessels (which can lead to death), mental health, and/or liver. You will not be prescribed Nebido if you have ever had a liver tumor (see ” Do NOT use Nebido “). Bayer AG (previously Schering AG) contributed partial funding for statistical analyses and data entry of the two studies. Haider is a speaker for and receives research and travel support from Bayer.



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